In all the villages, in addition to the farming
activities, many craftworks were performed: tinsmith, coppersmith,
hatter, chair mender (stuffer), baker, mason, etc
The names of many roads come from the activities which took place
there, usually also in the open air. The artisan's workshop was
a place of meeting and discussion.
The artisan was always someone who knew more than other people.
He was highly esteemed and the aspiration of many young farmers
was to change their occupation to become a skillful craftsman.
That's why, the families that could afford it, sent their sons
to be apprentices, paying the master mainly in kind, in order
that the boys could learn "the art".
The relationship between artisans and farmers was frequently settled
by a yearly agreement (called in dialect "lu cunnùtte"),
in accordance with it, the farmer paid the artisan a fixed amount,
otherwise he paid with the produce of the earth.
In his turn the artisan undertook to make some works for the farmer's
family or home.